Frequently Asked Questions:
This is how Blinck works
Problems with streaming
Gaming on Blinck
This is how Blinck works
What is included in Blinck?
Our offering includes an ever-growing selection of media, including movies, series, current music stations, concerts, cloud games, audiobooks, live sports, and sports documentaries. With your registration, enjoy media as often as you like—anywhere, at anytime!
Where can I access Blinck?
Experience the best of all streaming worlds, easily accessible through our app or your preferred web browser. Blinck is available on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. Additionally, you can use Blinck with any major web browser. Just make sure you're connected to the internet and explore our offerings with a click.
How can I contact you?
Blinck customer support is available by email at [email protected]
Problems with streaming
The image is stuttering or the picture and sound are not synchronized.
If you are having playback issues, first check your internet connection. Keep in mind that the speed of your connection may vary depending on your location, especially if you're using a mobile data connection.
The video quality changes during playback.
The video player adjusts the picture quality based on your connection speed. The video quality is usually reduced to prevent potential interruptions during playback.
My browser crashes when I try to use Blinck.
If you're having issues using Blinck in your preferred browser or if it crashes, please clear your cookies and cache, then restart the browser. Are you still having trouble? Try using Blinck with a different browser.
Gaming on Blinck
Improve your gaming experience on Blinck
To ensure the best experience on Blinck, make sure you have a download speed of at least 6 MB/s for stable performance. Aim for a connection speed of 30 ms or less to minimize latency. Check for no packet loss to ensure data reaches its destination without interruption. For a faster, more reliable connection, use Ethernet or a 5 GHz Wi-Fi network.
Tips for a better connection (speed and latency).
Restart your modem and router to reset the connection. Turn off your computer, disconnect the devices, wait 60 seconds, and reconnect them. Turn on your computer once the lights are on. Regularly check for updates for your modem, router, and computer, including operating system and driver updates. Turn off unused devices to save bandwidth, as some still use it in standby mode. Use an Ethernet cable for a more stable connection. If using Wi-Fi, connect to a 5 GHz network and place devices close to the router.
How do I set up a bluetooth controller?
To connect your wireless controller to a Bluetooth device, enable Bluetooth, turn on your controller, and press the Bind button until it blinks. Then, use your device’s Bluetooth to find and connect to the controller. To keep your controller up to date, check the manufacturer’s website for update instructions. Your connection should support 15 Mbps and latency under 30 ms.
On which devices can I play Blinck games?
All games can be played directly in your preferred web browser. We recommend using Google Chrome or Safari for the best experience. Please ensure a stable internet connection for smooth gameplay.
My antivirus program or firewall is blocking cloud gaming.
Sometimes, when accessing the Blinck platform for the first time, your antivirus software or firewall might prevent the program from running and display a warning message. In this case, select an option in the warning message that allows the program to continue running.